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sediment slumping

См. также в других словарях:

  • Slumping — Schichten im Muschelkalk der Partnachklamm Die Schichtung ist ein für Sedimentgesteine typisches Merkmal. Allerdings können auch Vulkanite und Plutonite Schichtungen aufweisen, und auch während der Metamorphose von Sedimentgesteinen kann die… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • marine sediment — Any deposit of insoluble material, primarily rock and soil particles, transported from land areas to the ocean by wind, ice, and rivers, as well as the remains of marine organisms, products of submarine volcanic activity, and chemical… …   Universalium

  • Rock microstructure — includes the texture of a rock and the small scale rock structures. The words texture and microstructure are interchangeable, with the latter preferred in modern geological literature. However, texture is still acceptable because it is a useful… …   Wikipedia

  • Shepard, Francis P — ▪ American marine geologist born May 10, 1897, Brookline, Mass., U.S. died April 25, 1985, La Jolla, Calif.       American marine geologist whose pioneering surveys of submarine canyons off the coast of California near La Jolla marked the… …   Universalium

  • sedimentary rock — Rock formed at or near the Earth s surface by the accumulation and lithification of fragments of preexisting rocks or by precipitation from solution at normal surface temperatures. Sedimentary rocks can be formed only where sediments are… …   Universalium

  • Submarine canyon — A submarine canyon is a steep sided valley on the sea floor of the continental slope. Many submarine canyons are found as extensions to large rivers; however there are some that have no such association. Canyons cutting the continental slopes… …   Wikipedia

  • density current — Geol., Oceanog. See turbidity current. * * * Any current in either a liquid or a gas that is kept in motion by the force of gravity acting on small differences in density. A density difference can exist between two fluids or between different… …   Universalium

  • submarine slump — In a submarine canyon or on a continental slope, a relatively rapid and sporadic downslope moving mass composed of sediment and organic debris that has built up slowly into an unstable or marginally stable mass. After an individual slump in a… …   Universalium

  • Sedimentary rock — Middle Triassic marginal marine sequence of siltstones (below) and limestones (above), Virgin Formation, southwestern Utah, USA Sedimentary rock are types of rock that are formed by the deposition of material at the Earth s surface and within… …   Wikipedia

  • Meander — For other uses, see Meander (disambiguation). A hypothetical stream bed following a tilted valley. The maximum gradient is along the down valley axis represented by a hypothetical straight channel. Meanders develop, which lengthen the course of… …   Wikipedia

  • Cambrian Period — Oldest time division of the Paleozoic Era. During the Cambrian, 543–490 million years ago, there were widespread seas and several scattered landmasses. The largest continent was Gondwana. The average climate was probably warmer than today, with… …   Universalium

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